Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter Book 11

Phillip Hoose
Claudette Colvin:  Twice Toward Justice
Readability Score
GLE 6.8
Lexile Measure: 1000

Primary and Secondary Characters
Award(s) date of publication
Newbery Honor Book
Robert F. Sibert Award Honor
YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction Finalist
Jane Addams Children’s Book Award, Honor
ALA Best Book for Young Adults
Publishing Company
Melanie Kroupa Books
ISBN Number
Brief Summary
Claudette Colvin was an unsung heroine of the Montgomery County Bus Boycott.  Nine months prior to Rosa Parks’ monumental bus ride, fifteen year old Colvin decided to take a stand and refused to give up her bus seat to a white woman.  Unlike Parks’ refusal, Colvin’s was unplanned and inspired solely by her own bravery.  Also unlike Parks’ refusal, Colvin was dragged off the bus by two police officers and eventually shunned by her classmates and community.  After her arrest, Colvin became involved with the NAACP, where she met and became acquaintances with Parks.  However, the NAACP chose not to use Colvin as the spokesperson for their bus boycott because of fear that she would be viewed as an “emotional and uncontrollable” teenager.  However, she was called upon to testify during the bus boycott lawsuit initiated after Parks made the news for refusing to give up her seat.  Even in light of her testimony, Colvin did not receive the same recognition or historical figure label as Parks.
Picture of book cover

Description of how you would use book with students
I would use this book with high school students as part of a text set for the Civil Rights Movement.  With Colvin being the age of a typical high school freshman, this book will encourage deep discussions about her actions and the impact those actions had on her life.

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