Sunday, September 16, 2012

Module 2: Picture Book 6

Michael O. Tunnel
Mailing May
Ted Rand
Readability Score
Grade level equivalent:  3.5
Lexile Measure: 770L
DRA:  38
Historical Fiction
This book encourages determination.
Primary and Secondary Characters
Charlotte "May" Pierstorff, Ma, Pa, Leonard, Mr. Alexander, Postmaster Perkins, Grandma Mary, Mr. Harry Morris
Award(s) date of publication
Publishing Company
Greenwillow Books
ISBN Number
Brief Summary
Based on a true story, five year old May is “mailed” to her grandmother’s house.  After looking forward to a visit with her grandmother, May was saddened to learn that her trip would have to be postponed due to her family’s lack of funds to purchase her train ticket.  Along with Cousin Leonard, May’s mother and father concoct a plan to insure that May makes it to her grandmother after all.  Early one morning May’s father takes her to the Post Office and discusses the plan with Postmaster Perkins who agrees to classify May as a baby chick so that she may be mailed for fifty-three cents.  Cousin Leonard watches after May on the mail car and delivers her to Grandma Mary as promised.
Picture of book cover

Description of how you would use book with students
This book would work well for comparing and contrasting the past with the present, with a focus on technological transportation, and communication advancements over the years.

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